Sharing Green Tomatoes

Recently, one generous gardener brought to church extra green tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers harvested from the abundance of their garden, and it presented me with the opportunity to try cooking the green tomato which I had never tried doing before…

Baking Herbed Cauliflower Bread

Once again, I opened the refrigerator door today to find myself with a head of cauliflower sitting there meekly waiting for me to do something with it…

Friendly Reminder – Greens in Soups!

While I mean well to stock my freezer with frozen vegetables, sometimes these packages just sit there for a long time. I struggle with ideas for what to do with these veggies once they thaw…

Still Not Getting Enough Greens?

I don’t know about you, but there are times when, despite my best intentions, I am still not getting enough greens as my days go by running around getting things done. That’s when I turn to one of my favorite ways of getting my greens, when I can’t dash to the supermarket and buy lettuce to chop up for later: Wendy’s Super Greens….

Getting to Know the Cauliflower

I had bought a head of cauliflower just to be adventurous recently, now that I am on a vegetarian kick. However, I must admit that I had procrastinated on eating it. It sat there meekly in my fridge until I put my mind to it that I would eat it soon, before it went to waste…